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The latest press releases as well as news archives from TEA.

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Fall 2020

New album: "Shutting Down"

Fall 2015

1991's cassette 'Lather Rinse Repeat ' is now available as digital download!

Rubbernekkerz 'Guilty' getting internet airplay.


Spring 2013

The world did not end on Dec 21/12, so the music making shall continue.


Spring 2012

Once again did the artwork for the latest TEA Volume (15) CD.


Spring 2011

Rubbernekkerz CD 'Tripping in the Dark' in rotation at Quebec's CJMQ and others.


Winter 2010

New Mark Harrington CD 'Alter' is launched. Delivery to college radio...


Fall 2008

New videos added to site: AMNESTY ON SORROW (Rubbernekkerz) and PROMISE TO MYSELF (Mark Harrington).

Winter 2008

Mark Harrigton includes a song he wrote 20 years ago (!) -- newly re-recorded -- on the 11th TEA compilation CD. The song is entitled 'Onlookers'.

Videos are finally featured on the site!

The Archives

Fall 2007

Rare acoustic 'opening' spot Oct. 5 at the Grasshopper (pub, 460 Parliament Street, Cabagetown area, Toronto).

Interesting article about Mark here.

Interview with Mark in rotation on Indietalent radio.

Summer 2007

The new Mark Harrington song 'Sometimes' appears as the 1st track on the TEA Volume 9 CD.

Recent press article here

Spring 2007

Now there's a blog to read.

In May, the Rubbernekkerz song 'Awfully' reached the #25 position on the POP chart of "American Idol Underground".

The previously unreleased Rubbernekkerz song 'Guilty' is on the TEA Volume 8 CD. Venturing into industirial music textures.

Fall 2006

Rubbernekkerz debut CD: '33 1/3rd' arrives at college radio.

Summer 2006

TEA Volume 7 CD featured a new Rubbernekkerz track, Amnesty on Sorrow. Release showcase July 14 at the Rivoli in Toronto.

Also, a different song has appeared on the CBC site, with a remixed version of Where You Really Are. The new one is called Mood Swinger.


Winter 2006

TEA Volume 6 CD hit the airwaves in February. Cover design once again by Mark.

Fall 2005

TEA Volume 4 features a new track "Awfully" by Mark Harrington. (would later be released under Rubbernekkerz banner)

TEA Showcase in Toronto last summer was held on July 21 at The Reverb Room and Holy Joe's.


TEA Volume 2

The compilation CD was released with a live showcase Thursday July 22nd at The Reverb. A track by Rubbernekkerz appears on the diverse disc.

York Region (Ontario, Canada) newspaper group runs cover story on Mark Harrington.

TEA Volume 1 Compilation CD features all the new music from the TEA artists! Includes 1 Mark Harrington song ('Smile'), and 2 tracks each from Peppercorn Ranch and Rubbernekkerz. (below) Volume 2 to 4 also available.

Volume 2: includes a new track from Rubbernekkerz

Volume 4: includes a new track from Mark Harrington


New music from Peppercorn Ranch available! (on TEA Vol. 1)

RUBBERNEKKERZ -- Harrington returns to his hermetic self-imposed prison to meditate on palindromes and concoct a batch of radically-different tunes with some co-conspirators. Repeated re-recording of songs to improve them, has been an ongoing dilemma.


Worldwide, people are discovering the music of Mark Harrington. UK site Trax-in-Space has seen Dream Underground reviewed anonymously by listeners, and given 10/10 for Creativity: "The blend of bauhaus style vocals and acoustic guitars a-la Days Of The New is a special treat."


Trash Icon charted in Lethbridge, AB; Kingston, ON, and elsewhere during 1999. The CDfound its way onto airwaves in the UK, the US and Europe.Thanks to Rudine and Jody at CHRY, and Steve Bala at CKLN!


Mark Harrington gets airplay in Europe on LORD LITTER'S T A P E D E P A R T E M E N T   RADIOSHOW  - on air across Europe:
B E L G I U M, F R A N C E, F I N L A N D, G E R M A N Y, I T A L Y, L U X E M B O U R G, S W I T Z E R L A N D, U K R A I N E.

DJ LORD LITTER says: "Unique.... somewhere between early Bowie, Peter Murhpy 'n more ... as the critics helplessly say... Mark does his very own thing !!"


Toronto, ON, June 19, 1999 -- In a recent live showcase performance at Stouffville, Ontario's bar Fullerton's (owned and operated by Grant Fullerton of 1970's supergroup Lighthouse of "Sunny Days" fame), Mark Harrington and band had their set unexpectedly cut short. It was later confirmed that the reason they were being hastily swept offstage on June 15th was that the club owner did not approve of their music. Harrington was reportedly quite honoured to have had the plug pulled by such a notable figure until later learning that Fullerton was not an original founding member of the band, but one of 30-odd members that graced the band in its time.


The most recent CD from Toronto area musician / artist Mark Harrington, entitled "Trash Icon", contains 13 original "alternative-pop" tunes as well as 2 bonus tracks: a cover of Gary Numan's 1979 hit Cars, and a "Retro 80's" version of an original called Catharine. The enhanced CD also contains HTML data ready for all web browsers.


The year of the first CD release, sees Mark playing at Mel Lastman Square, North York.

Since 1989, Mark Harrington has been performing in the Toronto area. Performances are attended by breakfast cereal-lovers and Mac users alike.

CD is on sale here. Harrington's CDs are also available by phone at 1-800-BUY-MY-CD

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